Work in Progress Wednesday

 Maybe just a sprinkling of french knots is needed to finish this one.  Maybe done in silk ribbon.  I would really like it if I could make this piece work for a book I have started.  Thank you, COVID for freeing up my time for this new venture!  Writing a children's book has been in the back of my mind for a VERY long time.  It was only a general idea but now I have landed on something and I am eager to get it done.  It is all very new to me and learning a lot but making slow progress.  Slow is okay but I don't want to lose traction.  This book will be for my granddaughter and I would love to have it done by Christmas but also don't want to put too much pressure on myself.  

I am linking to



Miaismine said…
Your piece of art is so lovely. The tone in your post was relaxing and smooth....very enjoyable! Your granddaughter is sure to love her book! I'm glad that you have been able to slow down and make time for such a special project!

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