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LeeAnna asks: do you like a cornfield maze, tell us about a time you did one and where it was We went to an apple-picking place on the weekend. It had a cornfield maze that I was excited to try. It was disappointing to us as it was designed for really little kids. So basically it was a path to a set of slides. I am sure it was fun for the little ones. There was zero challenge for us though. Still, it was a beautiful day to be outside. It was lovely to get some fresh apples. It was enjoyable family time. Maybe someday I will get to try a real maze. We watched the first episode of High Potential and enjoyed it. The character has so many great pairs of boots! I can't wait to see what she wears next. I hope it stays a smart show. The premise is good. I wonder if everyone likes to clear out things as much as I do. When I am in the mood to do I can be ruthless. I have a bedroom that I have ignored ...