Slow Stitching Sunday

It feels good to have this year-long project finished. I have enjoyed learning new stitches and recording them on this sampler. Not every stitch was new but having a refresher was good. I love that my stitches were mostly neat because of the Aida cloth. It was helpful to use Aida cloth to learn new stitches but I don't love working on it. Still, it was nice to know that I am capable of having nice neat stitches. Ultimately, I love my wonky stitches the best though. They are a better match for my personality. I don't have any plans for a year-long stitching project for 2025. Not as yet. I enjoy having that sort of project but it is okay if I don't come up with one. Does anyone have any good ideas? I am not interested in following anyone's pattern each month. I used to do a bead project each month called the Bead Journal Project. That group fell apart when it moved to facebook. I loved i...