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Lee Anna asks us: Baby animals are often born in the Springtime. If you could choose any baby animal to be your pet, what would you pick and why? Don't worry about space or legal restrictions, just imagine having it. Well, I am a dog person through and through. Still, I think Banksy is the last baby animal we will have. Babies are so much work! We would probably adopt an older dog after Banksy. But hopefully, we won't have to think about that for a very long time. This question made me think about the time when I was a young girl and found a mouse outside. I carefully collected it and put it into a pail. I added some grass for it and I planned to keep it as a pet. My mother made me keep it outside and the next morning it was gone. She told me it escaped. I was so disappointed. As an adult, I realize there is no way it could have escaped without some help. Funny that as a little girl, I had no fear of mice....