I Like

LeeAnna comes up with such interesting questions for us each week. Thank you! This week we are asked: are you a morning person or a night owl? what do you like about being this way? Would you prefer being different? I am the sort of person that needs a lot of sleep. So I don't consider myself to be a morning or night person. I am most productive in the afternoon. I prefer a leisurely start and end to my day. Let's see, what do I like about being this way? I guess I am rather neutral on it. It just is that way. I make it work for me. Would I prefer to be different? No, I feel no need to be different. At this stage of my life, I feel it is best to accept myself as I am. It would be great if we could do that at every stage of life but it seems to take time. I can honestly say I Like myself. I like that I am an artist. I like that I am honest and reliable. I like that I am compassionate and...