
I Like

LeeAnna  has posed the question; do you like roadtrips in the summer? tell us about one you've taken Road trips are okay.  We did more of them when our sons still lived here.  I always packed drinks and snacks and interesting new toys.  When they got a bit older we did a long trip to Florida.  They all had their own GameBoys at that time.  That made travel better for them.   I remember going to the library and getting audiobooks on CD for that trip.  We completely enjoyed Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Jeky. l and Mr. Hyde.  We tried listening to A Tale of Two Cities.  You can tell Dickens was paid by the word.  I like to think of myself as a patient woman but I guess I am not when it comes to Dickens.  GET TO THE POINT!!! There are loads of good memories from that trip.  The highlight was seeing a pod of dolphins swim past our camping spot while having morning coffee.  It was pretty cool to have a camping spot right on a beach.  The beach wasn't good for swimming though. We also spen

Work in Progress Wednesday

 I have stitched some circles to this scroll.  I love the way this scroll looks.  Every bit of these fabrics are my own creations.  That always feels good to me.  These scrolls have taken me away from my mandalas but not forever.  Technically those circles are mandalas, so there is that.  I believe I will let this scroll sit for a while.  I have a few ideas as to how to proceed but need to land on one.  I find it best to wait rather than rush.

Mandala Monday

 My sweet niece gave me an interesting wooden shape.  I have been using it to do rubbings.  I have tried it on vellum and old book pages.  I have used oil pastel, oil pastel with Pearl Ex adhered to it, and oil pastel with embossing powder.  I think the results are interesting and I plan to use them in the centre of some mixed media mandalas.

Slow Stitching Sunday

 I have added some beads to these floofy pages.  That is usually my last step before sewing the pages together.  It felt good to do the beading.  I haven't done any beading for a little while.  It always feels so good and enjoyable.  I won't stitch these two pages beside each other.  They don't look good side by side.   I am linking to

I Like

LeeAnna  and the gang are discussing have you ever gone to an outdoor play? tell us about it.... Or a concert? do you like outdoor performances? There are a few outdoor music festivals in our area every summer.  The Blues Festival in August gets some big names but I have only gone once.  It wasn't a great experience.  I didn't love the crowds.  The Jazz Festival is this weekend and we have gone a few times.  I hope to get there!  It tends to be smaller and less rowdy.  My hubby used to play in a jazz band so he particularly enjoys it. What else am I liking?  Well, the beautiful flower bouquet that my sweet niece brought me this week.  We had a lovely day together making art and thrift store shopping.  I am so grateful that she will make a two-hour drive to spend time with me.  I am blessed. It has been a great week.  A friend is watching her daughter's house which has a pool.  That means that she invited me to come for a float!  Twice this week!  Love it!  The two of us enj

Work in Progress Wednesday

 This piece is evolving.  I added some circles to it, which always makes me like things more.  I was inspired by Ariane Zurcher on YouTube to add some interesting papers.  I have a good selection of papers and have used them in stitching on other projects but it has been a while.   It is a wonky shape.  I had considered trimming it into a proper rectangle.  But now I rethinking that.  I kind of like the weird shape.  If I do trim it I might go for more curves.

Mandala Monday

 This is another vellum mandala.  Vellum can be tricky but I wanted to experiment with multiple mediums on this one.  I used marker, glitter marker, two kinds of acrylic paint, and Stickles and adhered some faux gemstones.  They all worked well.  I was concerned the acrylic paint would warp or buckle the vellum so I used small amounts.  I might experiment on a scrap of vellum to see what happens when covering a larger area.  Seems like a good plan. I am linking to