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LeeAnna asks what is your favorite Christmas/ Hanuka cookie or treat....if you could go to a party which cookie would you reach for first? Do you make them or purchase them... I rarely eat cookies but I do love shortbread cookies. I am not much of a baker so nope, I don't make them. I also don't buy them because I just might eat them all and that would not be good! So they are a very rare treat. It has probably been a few years since I have had any. It isn't like I don't get loads of other goodies at Christmas though. Usually, I go more for the savoury types. I Like photography, macro photography to be specific. I was looking for a photo in my files and came across this one. Do you see the heart? Isn't nature amazing! I didn't find the photo that I was specifically looking for but glad that this one came to me. I also Like that tomorrow is the big day. I will be installing my solo show! It is pretty exci...