Work in Progress Wednesday

I started this at the beginning of the summer and then got sidetracked. I have been very concentrated on the book I am doing for my granddaughter but I have picked it up again as it is good to do something different. Not that it is terribly different. I really do like stitching over the painted lace. I love the texture and the impressionistic quality. This is my fourth block done this way. I am likely going to put all four blocks together into one larger piece. This has been a great way to use my inherited, unfinished blocks. I like to think Aunt Pat would be happy that I am using her unfinished embroidery. I can definitely see myself using more of her blocks this way. I wonder if there is a way to use one of her blocks in my granddaughter's book? hmmm. That would be cool. I must think more about that. I am linking to Oh, dear. I have reverted to the older blogger in hopes of ge...