Work in Progress Wednesday

It delights me to see my twelve journal pages from last year all in one place. I enjoyed the challenge. Some ideas were more successful than others. Some I would like to revisit. It was a good way to use up some of my experiments collected in a box. I am considering binding them into a book form in a fashion that will allow them to extend out of the book. That way the book could be mounted on a wall and each page would hang down and be visible. I have done that previously with textile journals. One of those journals was even juried into Grand National Quilt Show. Some of the pages will need to be strengthened with a backing first. I have made so many journals in all forms over the years. Why I ask myself. The first response is that I simply must create. Not every creation necessarily needs to be seen by anyone else so the journal is the perfect place. I am not opposed to showing my jour...