
Showing posts from October 18, 2014

More art bras

My friend Nancy created these gorgeous bras!  They are absolutely fantastic.  They were met with many favorable comments when hung for the show Her Cup Runneth Over. This is what Nancy has to say about the bras. What is Black and White and Red all Over? This ART BRA was designed to honour the fantasies of women. Like something out of a dance hall or saloon, this bra cries out, ā€œSexyā€. Created with black lace, black ruffles, black feathers, and red ribbon that is reminiscent of garters. Black, white and red beads add whimsy to the bra. Simple white flowers add a touch of ā€œlovely ladyā€ to the creation. BIP - Breast in Peace These 2 black wreaths are a tribute to all the women who have undergone surgery for a mastectomy in their fight against breast cancer. It is made of all things I consider feminine: black satin roses, pearls, sparkly beads, and black feathers. An ART BRA to honour to the mystique and strength of women.