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LeeAnna asks How was Christmas done in your childhood home/family? example, if you woke earlier than the parents did you have to wait? Did the gifts go under the tree after you went to bed? did your family all exchange gifts? Did you dig in and all open your gifts at the same time or have to go around a circle opening one at a time? just examples, you tell us how Christmas was done in your family Gifts were under the tree before Christmas. My oldest brother used to sneak peeks of his so he was never surprised on Christmas morning. I didn't peek because I like surprises. I remember seeing one of my presents, in a not very good hiding place. I was so sad. It was a good present and I was happy to get it. I just didn't like knowing about it in advance. My family all dove in and opened our presents at the same time. My husband's family went around the circle opening the gifts and that is the custom that we adopted with our children....