
Showing posts from July 4, 2024

I Like

 I am still adding to my art garden.  I posted my dragonfly a while ago and now this is the rest of the garden. I like creating fun things to add to my garden.  It is a wild hodgepodge of colour and it makes me happy.  I will not get flowers for colour with poor soil and lots of shade.  I am resourceful and I will have pretty things to look at in the summer! I am still loving poetry!  David Whyte's words are magic. Leaving the Island Written by   David Whyte It must have been the slant of the light, the sheer cross-grain of rain against the summer sun, the way the island appeared gifted, out of the gleam and the depth of distance, so that when you turned to look again, the scend of the sea had carried you on, under the headland and into the waiting harbour. And after the pilgrim lanes, and the ruined chapel, the lads singing beneath the window, and the Corn-Crake calling from a corner of a field, after the gull cries and the sea-hush at the back of the island, it was the way, stand