Slow Stitching Sunday

Did you miss me? These past two weeks flew by! Holidays are wonderful but so is being home. I brought some floofy book pages to stitch while I was in Europe. There wasn't a ton of time for stitching but there was a bit while on the train. The views of Switzerland from the train were stunning. But the longest tunnel in the world was also on our route so definitely had time to put in a few stitches then. I am glad that I packed a few stitching supplies. They didn't take up much space or weigh much and we all know how good it feels to put in a few stitches! Will I be adding more stitches today or not? I would definitely like to see my family today! Not sure how the energy will be. My body is still on Europe time and I was up way too early this morning. I don't know how the day will go. I saw some wonderful old stitching at a museum in Bern. I love that stitching held so much value h...