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Lee Anna and the gang are talking about ice cream again. remember the ice cream truck driving around your neighborhood in summer? Did you go out with your money, stand in line and get a treat? Remember how it felt to go out on your own and leave with that three colored Popsicle or the chocolate coated vanilla on a stick? What was your favorite frozen treat? Is there an ice cream truck that still goes around your neighborhood? I did love getting a red, white and blue popsicle when I was a kid. Mostly they came from the corner store and not an ice cream truck. I remember walking to the store with empty pop bottles and getting a nickel for them. Pop was a treat we didn't have very often. That was a good thing really. I could go on a whole rant about how that stuff is poison for our bodies. On another note, I love colour! I love bling. The five-year-old inside me gets positively giddy about colour and bling. Yeste...