I Like

I am joining LeeAnna and the gang again for an I like Thursday post. This week the prompt is what is your favorite Halloween candy? Did you have different favorites as a kid than now? What was your favorite one to see put in your trick or treat bag??? Let's remember how fun it was to get candy... It was fun to get candy as a kid. It was such a big treat. I also remember when my kids were young we would go to Walmart the day after Halloween. We would buy up all their favourites at half price. So much sugar! One of my sons would have all his candy gone in a few days. Another son would have it for a couple of weeks. And for another son, we would end up throwing out some of his candy probably after Christmas. Interesting how different they are/were. I rarely eat candy anymore after watching a documentary about sugar. It is SO bad for you and that takes all the joy out of eating candy. Well, I do cave when it...