Mandala Monday

Hi my name is Angela and I am a paper addict. I have collected so many beautiful papers over the years. The Japanese Paper store in Toronto is so fun. They have sampler packs that are impossible to resist. Like some fabrics, I have found it difficult to use the precious papers. Until recently that it is. I went through my treasure trove and started tracing shapes and then cutting them out. I can cut paper for hours on end. It is meditative like stitching is for me. After cutting out the shapes I start to layer them into pleasing designs. Looking through to find just the right colour combinations. This one was adhered into a small handmade book. I also added a bit of sparkly paint to the outer edge. Next week I will be doing a talk about mandalas at the university where my solo show of mandalas is on display. I am fine with public speaking but I am trying to not be intimidated about doin...