
Showing posts from September 29, 2012

Announcing my October workshops

Alcohol Ink Techniques      Saturday October 7, 10 am ā€“ noon We are going to explore a number of different ways to play with alcohol inks.   You will create a stack of material to use in your greeting cards, art journals or collage.   Alcohol ink is very staining; you may wish to bring gloves to protect your manicure!  Painted Paper with Painted Fusible Web     Friday October 12, 1pm-3pm   Or Saturday October 13, 10 am ā€“ noon This is a fun project with multiple layers of paint.   We will be experimenting with fusible web, Inktense pencils and acrylic paints.   This project can just as easily be done on fabric so if that is your preferred substrate let me know and I will have fabric available for you to use.   There are some really interesting collage possibilities with this workshop. Mixed Media Printmaking     Friday October 19, 1pm-3pm Or Saturday October 20, 10am ā€“ noon We will b...