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Thank you LeeAnna and the gang! It is fun to be apart of this good group. This week we were asked: do you make a special baked good for Easter? For example, Rugalach or hot cross buns? Have a story about this or a recipe to share? I am not much of a baker. The last time I made a cake from scratch it turned out as flat as a pancake. Well, that was probably the second last time. The last time I made a cake it turned out with a mushroom top. The kind of top you want your muffins to have but I never do. There are a few pies that I make that are good but I buy the ready-made crusts. I have a very simple banana bread recipe that my granddaughter and I make and it always turns out. Everyone seems to like it. I always have some overly ripe bananas in the freezer ready for that. Our Easter meal is always at my MIL's house. We usually celebrate my BIL's birthday at the same time. So I don't...