Work in Progress Wednesday

I made a bit of progress on this mandala. I added some butterfly beads. Again, this is rather a bold mandala thus far. I will consider how to add some smaller details. I am okay with waiting for the next step to reveal itself to me. Rushing a mandala is not a good idea. I have a number of them placed close to my desk so that I can just stare at them. The next step is always revealed eventually. While talking with a friend yesterday she was encouraging me to considering selling my mandalas. Right now I am mostly thinking about having them ready for my solo show in December. I have to admit that I have never been keen to sell my stitched work or give it as gifts. I put a lot of time and energy into my work. Am I being selfish? Or just practical? I would have to charge a fair amount of money to make it feel worth my while. I am not sure that someone would pay that much. Maybe that is more a lack...