Work in Progress Wednesday

This piece has been languishing in my studio for too long. It started its life as a quilt block stitched by my husband's aunt. She was dear to me and I was honoured to inherit her unfinished projects. I added some layers of lace and paint being careful to not obliterate her stitching. It became far too dark for my liking. What to do? I have stencilled on some flowers and added paint in other areas. It is definitely getting closer to my liking. I would like to be able to add some hand stitching to it. However, all the layers would make that absolutely miserable. Pass. Stitching needs to be a pleasure. I love all the texture on this. I used some oil pastels to make some of it stand out. This is truly a mixed-media piece. I wonder if Aunt Pat would like it. We will see where it goes from here.