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Lee Anna shared these questions with us this week. this week we're talking about if or how we make lists. What kinds of things do you keep lists of? Do you like a list? Might you have one notebook like my sister did, with daily lists in it, and she carried it with her on errands. She flipped the page each day. Do you write notes on scrap paper and throw it away when done? Do you have a computer spread sheet ? I do of quilts made, size, when finished, etc? Well, who knew there were so many questions about lists? I am a big list-maker. It is so satisfying to cross things off my list. Plus, if I put something on my list there is a 99% likelihood that it is going to get done that day. I have kept journals/notebooks with my lists in them. I have also used scrap paper and then thrown out the list when it is done. I have lists of shows and movies I want to watch. I have lists of words I want to use in my art. I have lists of things I ...