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LeeAnna asks Remember the last day of the school year? Clearing out your desk in elementary school, or your locker in high school...Remember how you felt and what the first days of freedom were like? Tell us if how you spent an average childhood day when school was out... sleep late? hang out with friends more? spend more time at the pool? stay up later watching tv shows not allowed during the year? Visiting a relative every summer? I remember the last day of grade six. We had been allowed to have a little party. I had brought in a stereo to use. Carrying that stereo home plus all my other stuff was difficult. Lesson learned. For the rest of my school career, I brought things home gradually, as they weren't needed. I still try to think in advance and make things as easy as possible for myself. Yes, to all the things, sleeping late, hanging out with friends, time at the public pool and staying up late. We visited an aunt up north a fe...