I Like

I love learning about my blogging friends who participate in I Like posts every Thursday. LeeAnna hosts a lovely group. This week we are talking about: Unwrapping gifts on Xmas Eve or Xmas morning? do you prefer Christmas or New years? Do you have a usual way to spend NYE and or NYDay? We unwrap gifts on Christmas Eve and when we get together for our family Christmas. When the boys were teenagers we started a new tradition of giving pajamas on Christmas Eve. It isn't the most exciting present but everyone enjoys it. We are rarely together on Christmas morning. I am happy to let my sons enjoy some separate family time with their kids. Christmas is overly busy and hard on little kids. We do our Christmas together sometime during the week when it works for everyone. I hate to sound like a Scrooge but I am not overly in love with either Christmas or New Year's. I prefer to give gifts when I find something that is perfec...