Years in the Making

Well, that was a lot of work! For three hours I worked away with my husband and two others at hanging my solo show. My husband is so amazing and supportive. I couldn't have done it without him. He thinks differently than I do and that is a good thing. We bring balance to one another. I created 400 paper mandalas for this show. They are hanging at the 10-foot mark and the installation looks pretty impressive. There were a lot of nice comments from the few people that stopped in to see us hanging the show. One of the professors was very keenly interested and chatted for a while. I have been invited to give a talk there but the details still need to be worked out. There are over 60 stitched mandalas hanging in this show. Also, three collaborative pieces are hanging. I will have to return to get more photos. We ran out of time as my husband had an engagement he needed to get to. ...