Slow Stitching Sunday

It was a beautiful week here in Southern Ontario. I made the most of it and enjoyed some stitching time on my deck. Who knows how many more times I will get to do that this year. I am adding this mandala to the finished pile. Well, finished the fun part. There are now 7 in the stack that still requires the finishing off of the back. It isn't hard to do but it isn't fun so I do it assembly line style. I was curious as to how many I had that were totally finished. 57! 57 mandalas totally ready for my show is amazing to me. I have two that I am still working on and are close to finishing. 57+7+2=66 Originally I thought I would have 50 for the show. The ideas have kept on coming and I feel confident the space will be full of colour. Not only will there be 66 of my stitched mandalas but an installation of 400 of my paper mandalas. I am also working on two collaborations with hopes of a third....