I Like

I am not the sort of person who spends a lot of time looking back. I have been working on some art proposals this week and that has required me to look back through my art. There was a time I might have crinched. I like that I have to come to a place where I can accept my art, the good, the bad and the ugly. It has all been a process of learning. I like that I am feeling more confident about my art. I like that I am loving some of it. I know I have mentioned Librivox in a previous post. But I really, really like it! I just learned about an older book written by the artist Kandinsky. I was thinking of purchasing it but decided to look at Librivox first. It is there and I can listen to it for free. Yay! I like that I am getting to do an art program with my sweet seniors today. We are going to do a Kandinsky inspired tree. I think it is fun and cheerful. I hope they enjoy it. They are such good ...