Slow Stitching Sunday

I have added another round of stitching to this mandala. I think the purple flower sequins work well but there needed to be something in between them. I decided on a green straight stitch. I gathered my supplies and went to stitch on the deck. As I was about to start stitching it dawned on me that this would be the perfect time to add a blending filament to the green cotton I had chosen. This is something I have been meaning to do and never had. Such a simple way to add just a big of shimmer. I usually go for full on shimmer! You may have to enlarge the photo to be able to see it clearly. The circle in the centre is a piece of experimental needle felting. Which I love but now thanks to sweet hubby is bothering me a bit. When I showed him the piece he stared at it with a furrowed brow. When I asked him what was the problem he explained he was trying to figure out what the centre is. He needs things ...