Slow Stitching Sunday

This mixed media journal page is coming along well. There is not a lot of stitching on this one. There is a lot of interesting texture though. I will ponder how to add more stitching to this one. I have been working on this textile journal for a couple of years, on and off. There is no end plan for it so it is fun to just enjoy the process. I installed my mandala show just over a week ago and I am very pleased with it. For anyone in the area, it is at Martin Luther University College at Wilfred Laurier University. They are open to the public M-F 9-5. They are closed between Christmas and New Year. My show is up until Jan. 26. Now that the show is up I am feeling slightly adrift. There are no pressing projects to get finished. No immediate goals. Taking the time to stitch on a just-for-fun project feels a bit wrong. I am sure I will get over it. Of course, I can always concen...