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For February 9 2023 .. since it's so close to V-day let's think about what we like about Valentines day. do you make a special cake or truffles for instance, or give cards, get cards, get chocolates, give gifts? Even if you don't have a mate you could send flowers to a best friend, or give a sweet heart necklace to your daughter, or call your mom... It's about love and showing it. If currently things aren't happy, then do you remember any previous V-day that you liked? Anything you like about celebrating the love. I like Valentine's Day well enough but I don't need to celebrate it. My sweet hubby has taken me to some really expensive restaurants over the years. I enjoyed the meal but never feel it was worth the big bucks. I guess I am a bit of a cheapskate! Honestly, one of my best memories of Valentine's Day was when our children were really young. We didn't have much extra money so my sweet man made two dinners. One for the kids to eat ...