I Like

LeeAnna and the gang are discussing have you ever gone to an outdoor play? tell us about it.... Or a concert? do you like outdoor performances? There are a few outdoor music festivals in our area every summer. The Blues Festival in August gets some big names but I have only gone once. It wasn't a great experience. I didn't love the crowds. The Jazz Festival is this weekend and we have gone a few times. I hope to get there! It tends to be smaller and less rowdy. My hubby used to play in a jazz band so he particularly enjoys it. What else am I liking? Well, the beautiful flower bouquet that my sweet niece brought me this week. We had a lovely day together making art and thrift store shopping. I am so grateful that she will make a two-hour drive to spend time with me. I am blessed. It has been a great week. A friend is watching her daughter's house which has a pool. That means that she invited me to come fo...