Slow Stitching Sunday

I have started stitching another scroll. Just a tiny one this time. I have a fascination with using up tiny bits of fabric. I was raised by parents who grew up during the Depression and they learned not to waste anything. I guess they passed that along to me. Anyway, I get a lot of pleasure in taking little bits of nothing and turning them into something beautiful. I know it doesn't look like much just now. I am hoping for a lovely afternoon of stitching. I am hoping for lots of progress today. It is a small project so it is possible to finish it quickly. Except... Look at my dining room table! Hubby left for his annual camping trip yesterday. I went through my studio, tidied and put all my projects on the table. Yesterday afternoon I worked on four of them. Today I would like to stay focused on the tiny scroll but... I am linking to Wishing everyone ...