I Like

This week we are discussing: 

what are your favorite colors? Do you wear them or decorate with them? Is there a specific color your family would say is your favorite? has it changed in the last few years? Is it influenced by the seasons? Did your color favorites change when you moved, for instance I grew to accept earth tones after moving to Colorado. I grew up in Florida and still like saturated colors. I think the quality of sunlight affects how you perceive color.  I remember moving from Florida to the Washington DC area and feeling like a displaced peacock. More muted colors were worn in the midatlantic.

I like the cool colour palette.  Pictured above is the cover of my unicorn journal.  My camera did not capture the colours well as they are more vibrant.  I like to play with all the colours in my art.  Bright and bold definitely tend to be my style.  I really hate brown.  Of course, I use it if I am making a tree but I doubt it will ever be the main colour in a piece of my art.  Beige isn't really my thing either but my couch is beige.  Housekeeping isn't my favourite thing to do so decorating around my golden retriever just makes sense to me.  I have colourful pillows to add the punch of colour I need.

Back to my favourite colours of blues, greens and purples.  I am currently creating a book of mandalas in just those colours.  The cover has an under-the-sea theme which is quite colourful.  These colours have been my favourites for a very long time.  I remember in my 20s having a pair of turquoise boots.  Oh man, I loved those boots.  I hated to part with them but there was absolutely no tread left and were therefore dangerous.

Muted colours don't tend to be my thing.  However, I do enjoy them at times.  When we went to Versailles I remember liking Marie Antoinette's petite place with its muted colour palette.  It was more restful after the garishness of the larger palace.  

It is good to think about colour choices and I find myself wanting to look up the meanings of colours.  What do my colour choices say about me?

Thank you, Lee Anna and the gang!  I am so grateful for this good group.  I am grateful for having eyes to see colour!


It's always fun to see what colors you're playing with in your current project! I'm very drawn to your mandala that is bright colors stitched on black - I want to try that myself. It is definitely frustrating when your camera doesn't see colors the same as what your eye sees!
Miaismine said…
Yes! Geography decides color use! Drove me nuts when we moved from the island of Okinawa to Clovis, NM!
That is an interesting thought: looking up what our color choices say about us…
Thank you for sharing!

PaintedThread said…
ooh - what a great question of wear or decorate. I definitely wear my favorite colors. :-) I agree with you about muted colors. Vibrant is fun.
LA Paylor said…
my photo software has a button for saturation, which I often have to nudge as my camera washes out the real life colors. Your cover is so pretty, love those colors too, and all the texture. we always say you match your decor color to the dog hair color! Especially rugs lol
now we have a poodle who doesn't shed but he gets dirty feet and hates wearing his boots.
Su-sieee! Mac said…
Ooh, turquoise boots! Wouldn’t it be fun to have a pair now, or simply turquoise shoes?
Angie said…
Angela - I am definitely more of a warm color person, but as you will see in my post, I can be drawn to the "other side" by something in purple!!! I have a pair of capris that are vibrant green and turquoise, in a crazy pattern. My husband calls them my cruise ship pants!!! I share your love of cool boots - I have a red pair!

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