Work in Progress Wednesday

I am not too sure about the orange/yellow lace flowers in this piece.  When I colored them with Sharpies I thought it was good.  Now I am not too sure.  I have added a lot of stitching to this piece in the last week.  I honestly don't know where I found the time!
I am linking with


  1. Very pretty! I like the orange flowers.

  2. I think the orange flowers are perfect and add a lot of charm. All the work you have put into this block has paid off!

  3. I love the textures of you work. happy you found time to work this.

  4. I love the orange and yellow flowers and think they really draw the eye in to the centre of the cushion.

  5. Your block looks great, I like the orange flowers. Note to self - must buy sharpies


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Princess Bubbles

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