Work in Progress Wednesday

This is my crazy quilt journal project for May and June.  Life was too busy to consider making two blocks these last two months.  I am trying to come up with a title for this piece.  Any suggestions?  I used some shells that I collected while in New Zealand earlier this year and I want this quilt to be a tribute to that trip.  I actually think that there should be a few more shells added but I am calling it done for now.
I am linking with


  1. Beauty Under the Surface, The Secret Water Garden of NZ, Scarlet Corals, My Treasures.... What ever you name it, it is a beautiful underwater scene.

  2. I like the embellishment and the colours in this piece. It has a nice energy to it. I have no idea for a name though.

  3. This is beautiful! Sorry can't help you with a name though - it's the hardest part for me! Thank you, though, for sharing this today on Midweek Makers

  4. That is such a beautiful square! The creativity of your art and quilting is phenomenal. --Andrea

  5. I love this! The colors are so vibrant and I love the textures you've created. For a title... perhaps Secret Sea Garden.

    Thanks so much for linking up to last week's Stitchery Link Party and for linking back. Aloha hugs!


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Princess Bubbles

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