Still stitching on this one

There is still a bit of room on this piece to add some stitching.  Not much mind you.  It is a bright and cheerful piece that gives me a lot of pleasure to stitching onto it.  I am in no rush to finish it as I don't really know its end purpose.  Does it have to have a purpose other than my pleasure of stitching?

I am linking to


  1. This is beautiful, I love your small stitches. Very relaxing for these times ;)

  2. Hi Angela, is absolutely love it! How cheerful and it's great that it's purpose it to have your cheerfully stitching it :-)

  3. This is beautiful... so happy looking!

  4. I didn't notice the hand stitching until I zoomed in. I love all those pretty flowers and grasses. A great little piece!

  5. This is a celebration of Spring. Lovely colours.
    Of course there is meaning in making something just for one's own pleasure!


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Princess Bubbles

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