Beaded Mandala

 It feels good to be stitching a beaded mandala again.  It feels like forever stitch I worked on one but that's not true.  I have used rather large beads on this small mandala.  I am not sure that was the wisest choice.  At this point, they seem a bit too big.  I am wondering how I will make it work. I will ponder the possibilities.

I am linking to


I will enjoy watching where your pondering take you. I was drawn in by the brilliant fuchsia needs. Bright colors are so needed now.
Queeniepatch said…
One way of making something large appear smaller is to divide it.
Either you can stitch a cross over each pink bead, or use Shisha Stitch to frame them and thereby take off a bit of the size. Or you can use paint or glued beads to add smaller patterns (ladybug dots....).
Another method is to tone down the impact by putting a piece of tulle over the entire mandala.
I am sure you can think of many more solutions.

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