Work in Progress Wednesday

 I am liking this piece better now that I have removed the big blue flower beads that were near the bottom.  I add smaller beads instead.  I also added some embroidered green leaves to the area.  This photo has a darkness to it and that is exactly what I was hoping to achieve.  The three yellow blobs are supposed to depict fireflies at night.  This still needs something more to pull it all together.  I am not quite sure what that is at the moment.  I am really glad that I have given myself the time to get it right.  The Christmas deadline was not reasonable for getting the book finished.  It is better to get it right than to rush it.  

I am linking to


  1. It's nice that you realize that some things need to be finished in their own time and will not be rushed. It's a lovely piece. What are the dimensions?

  2. The colours blend so beautifully. I'm not sure what more you can do with this ... to me it looks complete.

  3. I like the balance of this piece...and the fantasy element. Lovely. :-)

  4. This is quite lovely. There's so much to take in, and you've done a great job to keep the eye moving around the piece.


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Princess Bubbles

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