Work in Progress Wednesday

 My fibre journal page for the San Fransisco School of Needlework challenge is getting close to finished.  It needs something to pull it all together as it is looking disjointed and overly busy to me.  This page is in remembrance of Farley.  Best dog ever!  He was a quiet and gentle golden retriever and this page is not reflecting that at the moment.  I need to ponder a good solution.

I am linking to


Your piece of art is lovely! And a beautiful memory too.
Thank you for linking up!
Queeniepatch said…
It is a beautiful piece, but if you don't feel it represents this particular dog, could you change the dog tag for one that belonged to another of your dogs, one with a livelier personality? Another possibility to calm things down is to put a thin net over the whole piece, but I don't thing it is the best solution for this particular piece of art.
Mary Ann Tate said…
Lovely. What about another tiny bit of colour like lime green or a yellow?
Shami Immanuel said…
Lovely memorable piece of art.

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