A Different Dog

 I have been playing around with a different idea for the dog character in my book.  There is a lot I like about this one.  The face is where I am struggling.  I have made colour copies of it to try out different ways of doing the eyes.  The eyes are everything.  They need to be right.

I may need to start again.  I will probably choose different fabrics.  I like how colourful he is but it isn't quite right.  I wonder if I will ever get this book finished.  I make good progress and then lose the mojo.  Then when it returns I intend to keep the momentum going but alas that doesn't happen.

I am linking to



Queeniepatch said…
You have used beautiful pieces of fabric. However, maybe if you used only one for the head it would be easier to see the ears, nose and tongue. Maybe that would make it easier to place the eye...
Don't give up. This pup is far to charming not to include him in the book. I expect one issue is contrast. Buttons might feel like the wrong shape. What about the eyes they used to use in slugged animals years ago? Check out Amazon searching on stuffed animal eyes. I was thinking of the black and white plastic ones. but there are many others that might work.

Just can't resist working on design problems. Hope you don't mind.
Susan said…
Hi just love the shape of your dog, looks so happy even without any other addition.

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