Slow Stitching Sunday

 I made some progress on this mandala this week.  It is always delightful for me to take my stitching outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.  That is actually why I took up stitching.  It is so portable.  When my boys were young, I could watch them and still get a little something done.  Such busy but happy days!  It is rainy and grey here today so there will be no stitching done outside.  

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I always forget to take my stitching outside, and I know it would be enjoyable! Your mandala is a pretty design. It's fun to see how you embellish your projects!
Sherrie said…
Beautiful piece your working on. Love that
pink...have a great day!
Kim said…
Your Mandala is so pretty, Angela. I love those little ribbon butterflies flittering around and around. It's lovely to sit outside and happily stitch, isn't it. I too, have many happy memories of hand stitching outside whilst watching my little girls play.
Queeniepatch said…
Take the opportunity to work outdoors when you can. It is so refreshing, and maybe there will be butterflies that come and settle on your mandala!
Karrin Hurd said…
Beautiful piece! It has been too hot here to work outside, I would love to though. Have a great week!

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