Another Iteration

 Okay, here we go again.  There are aspects of this dog that I like.  I think the face is pretty good.  I love the idea of outlining with glitter.  That definitely adds to the happy feeling.  I do feel like he needs more colour though.  I am debating adding little patches of colour.  Or I could start from the beginning and have many stripes of colourful fabric like the last one I created.  

I am linking to


  1. I think it is a great improvement. Making the dog with larger blocks than you used before makes it easier to 'see' the dog, and especially the head. Glitter is good, remember some dogs have diamond necklaces and glittering nail varnish on their claws! If you wanted to add colour, but not to the dog, why not give him/her a ball or a leash with a lot of pattern on.


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Princess Bubbles

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