Work in Progress Wednesday

 I have made a bit of progress on this mandala.  The purple fabric base looks really grey in this photo, just like the last time.  To be fair the purple is a very grey purple but this is really not capturing it at all.  Still, I like the fabric as a base as it really lets the metallic threads sparkle.  That makes me happy.  Sparkle is always good.  I want to add as much sparkle and joy to this world as I can.  Would that we all put as much grace and beauty into this world!


Queeniepatch said…
I, too, find some fabric VERY difficult to photograph. Luckily I know the true colour and can enjoy it 'live'.
This mandala is not only beautiful because of the sparkle, you have used the stitches to their advantage. Together they for a lovely pattern. Enjoy your work!

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