Wild Mandala

 With this mandala finish I am ever so close to being ready for my solo show.  When I first put this one together I was thinking I would treat it like a crazy quilt.  My concern was that all the stitching would be lost in the busy fabric.  So this piece waited for the right idea.  I can be patient and know that the right thing will always show up for me.  That happened this week.  While at a thrift store I found these wonderful trims.  They seemed perfect for this mandala even if it takes it a bit over the top.  

Time and the weather cooperated and I was able to sit outside to stitch.  Always a treat!  I hope there are more days like that yet.  It is getting cooler though.  I have three mandalas waiting in the wings.  Two of which I feel certain I can get finished.  The third may not happen as I am collaborating with some seniors on a project that will require me stitching a mandala.  I think it will be fun for them to have their work included in a show!

I am linking to



Beautiful work, Angela! I love how these came out.
Hi Angela, that trim is perfect for the mandala. I hope that you'll tell us all about your solo show :-)
Queeniepatch said…
Sometimes OTT is just what we want. This mandala makes me think of pachinko parlour or other gambling establishment, neon lights in a big city, disco lights, amusement parks...

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