Mandala Monday

  I love going through my journal of one hundred mandalas.  Some of the mandalas just make me smile to look at them.  Not all of them.  Some just aren't beautiful and I won't bother posting those.  Still, making them was a complete meditation and pleasure. I am okay with some being less than others.  I suppose I could always revisit them and try to make them better.  But really I just want to move on.  I am pondering starting another journal of just mandalas.  But for right now I will just use a journal for whatever strikes my fancy and no doubt some mandalas will make their way in.  

This mandala makes me smile with all its sparkling goodness!  I hope it makes you smile as well.


Queeniepatch said…
Do you know that you have managed to make this Mandala look like a sphere? Sure there is something of a ball about it. I love it!

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