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Lee Anna has more ice cream questions for us this week.  

 For June 8 2023

tell us about a favorite memory from childhood of eating ice cream. Did
your family go to Dairy Queen like mine did? Did you have a birthday
ritual where you got anything you wanted at the restaurant?  Has your
taste changed from tutti-fruitti with sprinkles or does it still make
your hear sing?

remember neopolitan three flavor ice cream bricks? I'd did out the
chocolate first leaving the strawberry and vanilla for the folks!

Well, for someone who doesn't overly love ice cream, I do have a fair number of memories about it.  My Mom always struggled to get me to drink milk.  I don't like it.  One day my brother Gary bribed me.  For every glass of milk I drank he would buy me an ice cream sundae from DQ.  When I was a kid I liked ice cream enough to drink a few glasses of milk.  I honestly don't remember how many sundaes my brother bought me.  One for sure.  He is such a good big brother!

I live in Southern Ontario and the air quality is poor right now.  The fires in Quebec are sending the smoke this way.  Yuck.  Earlier this week I walked with a friend.  I like walking with friends!  I like that the air was good that day.  I like seeing the beautiful flowers blooming in the neighbourhood.  I like that my friend likes to stop and take photos of said flowers as much as I do.


That's quite a treat for drinking a glass of milk! I'm sorry you're affected by the wildfire smoke there. We often get it here in Colorado, too. When the air clears for a day and you can go outside, it's such a relief!
I never liked milk either as a kid but would eat ice cream with no problem! We had the smoke here at the beginning of the week but it's better now. I hope it stays that way!
PaintedThread said…
Walking with friends is always good. I hope the wildfires die out soon. All this smoke is awful!
LA Paylor said…
love that ice cream story! I like walking with friends too, and to have one who likes taking photos is a good thing!
we have so much smoke in colorado, we get everyone's smoke from CA to Canada, to the ones here in this state. They call it smoke season, Spring/summer/fall but last year we had wildfires in winter too.
it's pollution and hurting all the earth... and poor critters in it
I used to be ice cream bribed for getting shots at the doctor

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