Work in Progress Wednesday

 I have another scroll finished.  This one is shorter than most of the other ones I have created.  I do have the option to add to it should I choose.  I wonder why I am so hesitant to call art finished.  Surely, I am not the only one who does that.  Maybe because like life, there is always more than can be done.  Knowing when to stop is a good thing.  Mind you, I think I often stop with a piece art when more would make it better.  Aw, the learning process is grand.


Queeniepatch said…
When is LIFE finished? That is impossible to say. We can say that life is OVER - when someone dies, but life can not be finished. As you said, there is always more that can be done or could have been done.
When it comes to art we just have to accept a 'finished' point for us, the creators. Then we have to let the people looking at our art, accept that the painting/movie/story is 'finished'. We must also give them licence to take up where we stopped and continue the story. The spectator, reader or movie goer can then continue looking at, interpreting and 'finishing' where we stopped. Haven't you ever created a new end of a book? In your mind rewritten the end of a movie? What did Mona Lisa do after she had sat for her portrait? Did Botticelli's Venus do after she had been born, get dressed in that pink cloth, sail out to sea on her shell or did she close the shell she stood on to take a nap?

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