I Like

I am joining Lee Anna and all the lovely ladies to discuss the following

  1. Would you rather go on a hayride or visit a corn maze?

have you ever done either one? do you have stories to tell?

I have been on a hayride and it was enjoyable.  Nothing interesting has stuck in my memory about it though.  I have never done a corn maze but would be interested in trying it.  It would be fun to do with the grandkids.  That will be something to do in the future.  Probably the distant future.  There are two new babies joining the family next year.  One in January and one in May.  So exciting!  That will make things more challenging for getting out and about.

I like deadlines.  I don't have any right now.  I feel a little adrift without one.  The last year and a half I had one after another.  Deadlines help to keep me on track.  I have passion and discipline which keep me going so deadlines aren't totally necessary.  It just feels weird without one.  I am determined to enjoy this creative time and do some experimenting.  I love experimenting with my art!


LA Paylor said…
I so relate to deadlines.... it gives me goals and structure, then again, down time can be soothing too
PaintedThread said…
I'll trade you some of my deadlines for the lack of some of yours. ;-)
Congratulations on the expected new grandbabies! I agree - a corn maze would be fun with the grands.
Angie said…
Angela - congrats on the new grandkids! We don't have any, but my older siblings have MANY, and from what I can see, it changes everything, for the positive! Just get ready to enjoy a lot of time with them! Joining you from I Like Thursday!

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