Slow Stitching Sunday

 I have made some progress on my April slice.  I am enjoying this project.  I can't see myself ever doing a lot of work on even weave fabric though.  I admire the ability of others to be precise but that is not my thing.  In another world, I have done bookkeeping and enjoyed being precise and balancing but have grown tired of that.  I now prefer to let my freewheeling artistic self go with the flow.

There is still room to add more stitches in this last part of April.  I have a couple of stitch books on my desk to peruse.  I am enjoying learning some new stitches. I am enjoying filling in the slices.  It is a good project!

I am linking to


CathieJ said…
I still like the precision of even weave fabric. I like your stitching. That is quite a variety of stitches.
Kim said…
So, you once did bookkeeping...... wow. Day in day out crunching the numbers, I'd be hopeless at it. =) Much nicer playing with fabrics and pretties....and embroidery threads
Queeniepatch said…
I am happy to recognise quite a lot of stitches! Your stitch pizza is looking delicious with all the topping!

About counted work and fabric like Aida; I think it is perfect for LEARNING a new stitch. After you know where to insert the needle, if the thread should be over or under the needle, and how to start and end, THEN you can turn to any fabric and let the needle and thread free to play.

I love free-form embroidery but think it is a good idea to learn the stitch before playing around with it.

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