I Like

 LeeAnna asks

when you have free time, do you feel the need to  constantly "DO" 
something? Is rest considered wasting time? How do you spend some free
time and how would you like to spend free time .

This is actually a value, and all things we value define us in a way.

Some people believe you're a "good" person if you are always achieving,
a "lazy' person if you can just rest or recharge

what do you think? Do you wish you were more moderate or different?

I know that babies don't do a lot when they are little.  My Mom often told me that she would park me in front of the window where I could see the tree outside.  I would sit there contentedly for long periods.  Honestly, I can still do that.  The leaves in the breeze are mesmerizing to me.  So peaceful and meditative.  All of that to say, from the very start I have been good with not being productive.

I guess that looks like laziness to some people.  Mostly I don't care.  I know that I need a lot of downtime.  I know that is when the best ideas drop into my head.  It is amazing to me how that works. On that note, a lovely idea popped into my head last week.  I am writing a book for each of my grandchildren.  One down and four more to go!  The first book was illustrated with stitch and that took a long time.  Subsequent books cannot take that long!  I have been pondering what to do for the second book and the idea is taking shape.  I will be using Kaleidoscope Kreator which is what I did for the above image.  Love kaleidoscopes!   I hope my grandson does too.

Another thing that I like is poetry.  I just found a copy of Falling Up by Shel Silverstein at a thrift store.  So fun!  David Whyte is an Irish poet I recently heard on a podcast.  Oh my!  Look him up.  His work touches my heart.  I would love to find one of his books at a thrift store!


I loved that story about you when you were a baby! Trees are definitely fascinating - we should spend more time observing them and their leaves. Your book idea sounds wonderful!
I think it's good to rest. I have to make myself to do more of it! It's so admirable that you're writing books for your grandchildren. You are so creative!

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