Work in Progress Wednesday

 I have tried three new stitches and my June wedge is filling up.  I so appreciate that Carin posts stitch tutorials every Sunday.  I enjoy giving them a try.  She gives great instructions.  

My stitching is neater since it is being done on even weave fabric.  I like that the even weave makes it easier for me to be so tidy.  However, I don't see myself giving up my wonky stitching on regular fabric anytime soon.  I prefer it and feel it is a better reflection of who I am.


Queeniepatch said…
Thank you for your kind words.
A great advantage of neat stitching on a gridded fabric is that you can see how the stitch is done. This is especially easy if you don't line the fabric so the back is also visible.
Your 'pizza' is looking great.

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